Sonntag, 30. März 2014

Uluru and Kata Tjuta or Ayers Rock and the Olgas

This is the most exciting experience we' ve had so far. We were not sure if it is worth it to fly about six hours for only two days, but we had amazing days here. 
Although it was about 36 degrees, we managed to have some short walks and saw beautiful details. I thought that the Uluru simply was a great red rock. On the contrary we saw a lot of details like a waterhole, paintings and got to know something about Aborigene culture and lifestyle. 
The highlight was a helicopter flight this afternoon and the sunset. 
Just have a look yourself: 

1 Kommentar:

  1. Ist das nicht ein wunderschönes Fleckchen Erde? Einfach unglaublich! Die Dimensionen kann man sich erst vorstellen, wenn man einmal dort war!
